The Money Blog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.
Networking can feel awkward. You sit at your desk, boot up your laptop or desktop, click the Zoom link… then anxiously wait for a stranger to appear. You might adjust your camera...
Hello hello!
It’s been a few days since I’ve posted. I’ve been keeping rather busy to say the least.
Between networking meetings, one-on-one connection calls,...
What does SLAM Networking have to do with manifesting? Watch today's video blog to find out.
Okay, two blog posts for today :)
Just recorded a quick podcast for you to listen to of my F-yeah moment.
As I’m getting ready for the day today I’m listening to one of my favorite people - Mel Robbins on Audible.
This episode speaks to me like….you have NO IDEA!
She just...
Good morning my lovelies!
I took a good 30 minutes to chat on my podcast, SLAM I AM, this morning to share all the juicy details of things like - the app I reinstalled on my phone, the...
Hey hey friends!
It's day 8 and I haven't cheated yet! I cannot tell you how proud of myself I am. I secretly had some doubts going into this thing that I might be tempted to...
I had a bit of an epiphany. I’ve been listening to the Audible version of a book by Wayne Dyer on manifesting. In the book he describes how everything we want is already here; we just have to...
Before we get into how my day is going, let’s focus on something super adorable and sweet - Dexter. He was all cozy on the couch last night snoozing away when I snapped this...
Dexter McDreamy got a little extra McDreamier lol
Mojo Pet Spa in Mauston does such a wonderful job grooming Dexter and he LOVES the ladies there!
I didn’t want anyone having...
I'm having some serious FOMO today. One of the lovely ladies who is a member of SLAM Networking showed up for our open networking session with a super cute new haircut. She told me she...
Well it's been interesting for sure! Yesterday morning I posted a podcast / blog post about how the morning had gone. Be sure to check out that post or head over to my podcast SLAM I AM...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.