How To Sparkle Where The Sun Don't Shine
(Staying Positive When You're Surrounded By Assholes)

Have you ever felt like you won the asshole lottery? Some days you might feel like everywhere you turn you have to deal with yet another asshole! You feel irritated, inconvenienced and stressed! These people have the potential to ruin your entire day! So what can you do about it? How to Sparkle Where The Sun Don't Shine is the perfect how-to guide for learning to stay positive when you're surrounded by assholes. You cannot control the actions of the people around you, but you CAN control your reactions! Yes, this is easier said than done, but when you have a brilliant book like this one to show you how, dealing with assholes is as easy as P.I.E! Not only will you learn what to do when you win the asshole lottery - you will also learn how to implement easy daily tasks to help you get through your day with a positive intention by shifting your FOCUS and designing a happier, more abundant lifestyle! Are you ready to Sparkle Where the Sun Don't Shine?

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Spirits In Her Room
The True Life Story of Medium Diane Doyle

Born with the ability to connect to loved ones who have crossed over, Medium Diane Doyle shares her incredible journey from being a terrified and lonely little girl to becoming a successful and respected Medium with dedicated followers from around the world. In this biography, Diane shares personal details of discovering her unique abilities, working through childhood trauma, domestic abuse, public scrutiny, and finally discovering her own peace and happiness. While Diane's gift is a blessing, it also comes with a hefty price tag including fractured family relationships and many health problems. Take a peek inside the life of a Medium in this amazing life story of Diane Doyle. It's nothing like you've seen on TV!


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Don't Be Invisible, Be Fabulous!
It's Okay to Value Me

This book filled with inspiration, encouragement, and transformation and tells the story of nine women's journeys and the dramatic changes they have experienced to get to where they are today. I am sure that you will find bits and pieces of yourself or a loved one between the pages of this book.

The many amazing stories in this book, is also a journey to help you shift your perception of what you are truly capable of. Inside this book, the women share some lessons they had to learn and overcome to make huge life shifts. It has taken each woman to step into a level of unapologetic courageousness to finally share a part of their story with all of you.

Authors:    Wendy Babcock (Author),  Karen Clarke-Hoffmann (Author),  Ingrid Dick (Author),  Nancy Towle (Author),  Tiffaney Whipple (Author),  Brianne DiDino (Author),  Rachel Seltzner (Author),  Lisa Lisa (Author),  Giselle De Sousa (Author)

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Warrior Unchained:  Gratitude & Affirmations
A 90-Day Journal to Unchained Your Inner Warrior

Warrior Unchained: Gratitude & Affirmations is a simple journal to help remind you to implement gratitude & affirmations into your daily life. This 90-Day Journal is meant to keep you focused on what’s important in your life and help you achieve your goals.

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